ing form &infinitivePPT教学课件 非谓语动词 动名词 现在分词 过去分词 不定式 2021/01/21 1 动名词 1.作主语Smokingisnotallowedhere.Hiscomingherewillbeagreathelp.2.作宾语 Ialwaysenjoygoingtothemovie.Wouldyoumindmakingalittlelessnoise?You’dbetteravoidputtingcoinsnearthechild.Ican’thelpthinkingso.Have...
Grammar -Ing form and the infinitive(PPT) 下载积分: 943 内容提示: GrammarGrammar -In g form an d the in fin itive 文档格式:PPT | 页数:20 | 浏览次数:10 | 上传日期:2014-10-02 05:27:57 | 文档星级: GrammarGrammar -In g form an d the in fin itive 阅读...
...also, in this book, the following rule is given: Attempt, intend, continue, can t bear, be accustomed to, be committed to After these words and expressions we can generally use either an -ing form or an infinitive without much difference of meanin..
Grammar -Ing form and the infinitive(PPT) 下载积分: 836 内容提示: GrammarGrammar -In g form an d the in fin itive 文档格式:PPT | 页数:20 | 浏览次数:12 | 上传日期:2014-09-26 16:57:15 | 文档星级: GrammarGrammar -In g form an d the in fin itive 阅读...
Are there some rules i can follow for making choices in relation to the infinitive form?2 Answers 0 mnbgt678;_mnbvf 290 It is called verb patterns. You have to learn it by heart. 0 LIZZIELOP 290 It can be a little difficult to know when to use gerunds and infinitives. Of ...
The -ing form, or verb + -ing is…the verb+ing. Like speaking, taking, going, etc. You’ll hear those expressions, the infinitive and the verb+ing A LOT in this lesson. Verb + infinitive Here are 4 common verbs that take the infinitive after the verb: ...
fill in the blanks with the infinitive or-ing form 11,she didn't know what___(say)at the meeting the day before yesterday 12,"stop___(talk),please.the film has begun." 13,can you tell me when you can finish___(read)these books? 14,I don't know whether she enjovs___(wear...
I refuse (let)you pay for anything while you're here. I thought I'd tell you a bit about what you can expect (find). I think we should consider (stay)in the English countryside for a few nights as I know you enjoy (hike). ...
6.IthinkweshouldconsiderstayingintheEnglishcountrysideforafewnightsasIknowyouenjoyhiking.7.Ihavelearntwhichonesaretastyandsafetoeatsowewon’trisk gettingsick.●既可跟不定式,也可跟动名词作宾语的动词有:1)begin,start,continue,Hestartedtobuild/buildinghisownlaboratorywhenhewasonly14.★这些动词后跟不定式或...