For those who were looking to level up their experience from engaging to exhilarating, the blisteringly fast Q60 RED SPORT 400 offered all the adrenaline a driver could ask for. Those with the need for speed can still find a lot to love in INFINITI’s current lineup – starting with Q50...
INFINITI Q60 at a Glance Race-Style Seats Zero gravity seats for greater comfort. Q60 Red Sport Thrilling performance from a 400 HP engine. 3.0-L V6 Engine VC-Turbo engine producing 300 horsepower. Advanced Grip Intelligent All-Wheel Drive System. 19-Inch Wheels Sporty aluminum alloys for grace...
其实INFINITI与Renault F1车队共同合作的部分主要在于动力系统上,将Q60 3.0T REDSPORT可产生400hp的V6双涡轮增压引擎(代号VR30)为基础,加上「Dual-Hybrid双混合动力系统」,透过热能回收(MGU-H)与动能回收(MGU-K)两者相互配合之下,储存行驶与减速间所产生的能量,能让驾驶选择在需要时提供额外的推力辅助,使得最大马力...
英菲尼迪Q60提供三个装饰级别:Pure、Luxe和RedSport 400。Pure和Luxe配备3.0升涡轮增压V6发动机(300马力,295lb-ft扭矩),而RedSport 400配备相同的V6,但功率更大(400hp,350lb-ft)。所有Q60均配备七速自动变速箱和后轮驱动。全轮驱动是可选的。 CarOBook车主随身手册免费提供:汽车说明书|汽车保养手册|汽车手机壁纸...
Infiniti has created yet another superb state-of-the-art Grand Touring coupe with the Q60 RS400, and we're more than happy to test drive it for you!
2017 Infiniti Q60 Red Sport 400 Coupe@30秒懂车 @面条猴大大 û收藏 10 14 ñ10 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...汽车博主 汽车视频自媒体 4 毕业于 北京联合大学 3 公司 易车 查看更多 a 870关注 20.8万粉丝 4876微博 微关系 她的...
Project Black S是基于市售Q60 RED SPORT 400车型为蓝图,并且由Renault F1车队技术奥援,动力采用屡获引擎大奖的VR30 3.0升V6双涡轮增压引擎为主,搭配F1赛车使用的ERS动能回收系统,一举将最大马力拉抬至563hp之谱,0-100km/h的加速仅需4秒内就能完成,而这样的油电配置与先前传闻R36 GT-R的动力配置相当,...
英菲尼迪Q60提供三个装饰级别:Pure、Luxe和RedSport 400。Pure和Luxe配备3.0升涡轮增压V6发动机(300马力,295lb-ft扭矩),而RedSport 400配备相同的V6,但功率更大(400hp,350lb-ft)。所有Q60均配备七速自动变速箱和后轮驱动。全轮驱动是可选的。 CarOBook车主随身手册免费提供:汽车说明书|汽车保养手册|汽车手机壁纸...
Although the Infiniti Q60 is one of the prettiest coupes on the road, and every trim has a healthy twin-turbo V-6, it's not as compelling as the competition.
The Eau Rouge did accurately preview the Red Sport AWD models (Q50 sedan, Q60 coupe) in that it used a turbocharged V-6, a torque-converter automatic, and an all-wheel-drive system to deploy power. The concept was sound. But the problem with the GT-R’s barbaric 560-hp V-6 is tha...