既然我们不需要之前的内容,也不想scrollbar蹦来蹦去,那我们加一个padding不就完了?我们很容易就能计算出之前显示内容的高度,我们只需要加一个相同高度的padding,就可以解决之前的问题。 在删除之前的DOM的时候,如果你有用到任何前端框架,React,Augnlar还是Vue,需要确认相对应的node也被删除。否则,即使DOM不存在页面,...
npm install --save react-infinite-scroll-component // in code ES6 import InfiniteScroll from 'react-infinite-scroll-component'; // or commonjs var InfiniteScroll = require('react-infinite-scroll-component'); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 <InfiniteScroll...
Next is to implement the infinite scroll which will be inside the card components. Navigate to Card component and update the code with the below. import{ useState }from'react';import{ Card, Button, Container, Col, Row }from'react-bootstrap'importInfiniteScrollfrom'react-infinite-scroller';//...
npm install --save react-infinite-scroll-component or yarn add react-infinite-scroll-component // in code ES6 import InfiniteScroll from 'react-infinite-scroll-component'; // or commonjs var InfiniteScroll = require('react-infinite-scroll-component');...
import InfiniteScroll from'react-infinite-scroll-component'; // or commonjs var InfiniteScroll = require('react-infinite-scroll-component'); Using <InfiniteScrolldataLength={items.length}//This is important field to render the next datanext={fetchData}hasMore={true}loader={Loading...}endMessage...
npm install react-infinite-scroll-hook Simple Example importuseInfiniteScrollfrom'react-infinite-scroll-hook';functionSimpleInfiniteList(){const{loading,items,hasNextPage,error,loadMore}=useLoadItems();const[sentryRef]=useInfiniteScroll({loading,hasNextPage,onLoadMore:loadMore,// When there is an error...
React Infinite Scroller Infinitely load content using a React Component. This fork maintains a simple, lightweight infinite scroll package that supports bothwindowand scrollable elements. Installation npm i react-infinite-scroller How to use The module supports ES6 imports withjsnext:mainand require wit...
0. 목표 postList에서 사용할 infinite scroll custom hook 구현 1. infinite scroll 구현중 고려해야할 내용 대량의 데이터를 어떻게 나눠서 가져오고 합칠건지 데이터를 가
react-infinite-scroll-component 代码 虚拟列表本身<InfiniteScroll next={onScrollAction} hasMore={tmpClaimList.length < claimList.length} loader={Loading...} dataLength={tmpClaimList.length} ref={listRef} scrollThreshold="200px" > {renderClaimList.map((param, index: number) => ( {/* 一些...
Defaults tofalse. This allows React Infinite to be used as a chatbox. This means that the scroll is stuck to the bottom by default, and the user scrolls up to the top of the container to load the next page. Thechildrenare displayed in the same order. ...