Infinite Flight is the most comprehensive flight simulator for iPad and other mobile devices. Fly in a multiplayer environment with human ATC & 3D airports!
Infinite Flight is the most comprehensive flight simulator for iPad and other mobile devices. Fly in a multiplayer environment with human ATC & 3D airports!
大家也看到了封面,IF之前的游戏总页面是句〈Infinite Flight〉在中间,之后后面是带着小光点的世界地图,但是IF今天更新之后,后面的“infinite flight”字体消失了,反而改为了在左上角的logo,当然,字体还是在的 来自Android客户端3楼2018-09-27 11:05 回复 737...
infinite flight APP 方法/步骤 1 首先启动游戏,进入游戏首先看到的是游戏logo界面。2 下面是选择模式,可以选择单人模式和联机飞行,对于新手,我建议进入单人模式。3 下面就是一个飞行前的准备界面,在左下角我们可以分别进入飞机和飞行场地的选择界面,其中左上第一个是飞机选择,第二个是场地选择。4 在飞机界面...
InfiniteFlight截图方法,及图片使用建议 宣传图片排版建议 宣传内容要素及排版建议 本帖【不包含】以下内容: Photoshop等图片处理软件使用方法教学 排版布局方法详细指南 进阶图片处理效果操作 示例图片所用涂装下载 航空公司Logo矢量图下载 *注:以下内容均根据本人心得总结提出,不作为虚航宣传图片唯一设计标准。欢迎有想法的...
Infinite Flight 24.4 Infinite Flight 24.4 is here with the brand new B737-8 MAX aircraft and 37 liveries, Auto Pushback, 118 new 3D airports, and much more. Product Updates Infinite Flight 24.3 Infinite Flight version 24.3 is here with the reworked C208 and a range of updates designed to...
Welcome to the Infinite Flight Air Traffic Controller (IFATC) Manual. It is designed to help new entrants and current Controllers with IFATC procedures, as well as cover the fundamental principles associated with all controlling facilities on Infinite Flight.All Controllers are expected to familiarize...
【Infinite ..这个系列是自我入坑if开始就开始更新的,原来一直以QQ相册为主,但是现在打算扩展一下业务进军贴吧,内容主要以放送我飞行过的航线上优美的高质量景色图,来让各位一起再重新认识无限飞行。
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