趣味数学:无限巧克力技巧详解 Infinite chocolate trick explained #思维训练 #分巧克力 #数学 #数学啊数学 - Overseas Math于20230715发布在抖音,已经收获了10.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
This optical illusion appears to create an infinite amount of chocolateChris Snyder
"Excitement-Hope-Acquisition-Contempt" cycle, 574; Swiss Subject is left-handed, 598; 11/11/YDAU, "once again embracing a certain 'Swiss' hand-model" 655; "a one-trick pony as a player" 661; "has come to regard the truth as constructed rather than reported " fn.269/1048; impression...
“Well, there are budget constraints in our convent, so we nuns are paired up in our cells,” Jessie explained, still not bothering to put anything on. “Often, new nuns like you are paired up with nuns like me, who have been here for quite a while, to show the new girls the rope...