Create a store for each school by selecting the school in the Campus toolbar. Use the field descriptions provided here to complete the screen then clickSave. Repeat this procedure for each school that is going to have a school store.
Home Glossary Release Information
Understand Quiz Settings Quiz Structure Quiz Scoring Setup How Scores are Calculated Score Analysis Article|Video Reference Quiz Question Types Getting Started? Check out thisvideoor thistutorialfor an overview of how quizzes work. Quizzes were updated with the release ofCampus.2419, and additional...
Home Glossary Release Information
A Diabetes Medication Error checkbox was added for use in tracking and counting medication errors. This checkbox is available to all customers, but it has been delivered as hidden. This short video explains how districts can enable and rename this checkbox, and how districts can create an Ad Ho...
Curriculum Details are part of theCampus Learningpremium offering and require theEnhanced Curriculumtool right. Location:Tools throughout Instruction, includingGrade Book, Planner > My Curriculum, Assignment OverviewandProgress Monitor>click Details
Tool Search:Vaccine Setup Health vaccines and their associated compliance listings are based on state guidelines. While Infinite Campus maintains standard guidelines for all states, districts have the ability to enter additional compliances. The following information describes vaccine compliance rules as def... Image 1: Beginning the Speed Test Select the Start button. A speedometer will appear, fluctuating as it records the upload and download bandwidth of the network. Once the test is complete, the tool will display the network's download speed, upload speed and...
Home Glossary Release Information
Districts should run theAttendance Aggregation Refreshtool for all calendars after taking a release that includesCampus.2351. This updates attendance output for Chronic Absenteeism. Once this is done, the tool runs automatically each night. Attendance information is updated when theAttendance Aggregation ...