Infinigence AI aims to slash the cost of implementing AI models by 99.99%, making them as accessible as utilities like water and electricity," the company stated. "This will usher in a new productive force that will benefit the entire industry and accelerate ...
无问芯穹(Infinigence AI)宣布完成近5亿元 A 轮融资。该公司成立仅1年4个月,累计已完成近10亿元融资。本轮融资联合领投方为社保基金中关村自主创新专项基金(君联资本担任管理人)、启明创投和洪泰基金,跟投方包括联想创投、小米、软通高科等战略投资方,国开科创、上海人工智能产业投资基金(临港科创投担任管理人)、徐汇...
9月 2 日,无问芯穹(Infinigence AI)宣布完成近 5 亿元 A 轮融资。至此,在成立短短 1 年 4 个月内,无问芯穹已累计完成近 10 亿元融资。 - 创业邦于20240902发布在抖音,已经收获了117.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
TMTPOST--Infinigence AI, a Shanghai-based artificial intelligence infrastructure startup founded just 16 months ago, has secured nearly 500 million yuan (US$ 70.2 million) in a Series A funding round, pushing its total funding to almost 1 billion yuan (US$ 140.4 million). ...
2024年9月2日,无问芯穹(Infinigence AI)宣布完成近5亿元A轮融资,至此,在成立1年4个月内,无问芯穹累计已完成近 10 亿元融资。亿欧获悉,无问芯穹本轮融资联合领投方为社保基金中关村自主创新专项基金(君联资本担任管理人)、启明创投和洪泰基金,跟投方包括联想创投、
According to public information, Infinigence AI has completed three rounds of financing, all undisclosed, with Sequoia China as the lead investor.The company was founded in May 2023, with the aim to create the best integrated solution for large model software and hardware.The founding team is ...
Megrez-3B-Instruct是由无问芯穹(Infinigence AI)完全自主训练的大语言模型。Megrez-3B旨在通过软硬协同理念,打造一款极速推理、小巧精悍、极易上手的端侧智能解决方案。Megrez-3B具有以下优点: 高精度:Megrez-3B虽然参数规模只有3B,但通过提升数据质量,成功弥合模型能力代差,将上一代14B模型的能力成功压缩进3B大小的...
清华系,迎来最快独角兽!汪玉教授领衔! 近日,无问芯穹(Infinigence AI)完成近 5 亿元 A 轮融资,至此,在成立短短 1 年 左右,无问芯穹累计已完成近 10 亿元融资。#人工智能 - 芯榜于20240902发布在抖音,已经收获了42.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Infinigence AI is led by Wang Yu, a professor in Tsinghua University's Electronic Engineering department, alongside CEO Xia and Chief Scientist Dai Guohao, both of whom were students of Wang.