Mobile Helium Leak Detectors with ULTRATEST™ sensor technology. The Standard for Vacuum Leak Testing in Industrial Vacuum and Semiconductor Manufacturing The INFICON UL1000 Helium Leak Detector Series is the renowned standard when it comes to economic helium vacuum leak testing in industrial (UL1000...
Helium Leak Detector UL1000 Fab renowned standard when it comes to economic helium vacuum leak testing in industrial or semiconductor environments UL1000 / UL1000 Fab minimize leak testing efforts through quick pump down and response time avoid need for multiple leak tests by using selectable backgro...
英福康Inficon检漏仪维修 Helium Leak Detector UL1000 - INFICON销售 品牌: 英福康Inficon检漏仪 类型: 氦气检漏仪 产品详情 英福康Inficon检漏仪维修 Helium Leak Detector UL1000 - INFICON销售 检漏仪 在现场经过实践验证的专用仪器 在各种细分市场中,从汽车行业到制冷和空调技术再到半导体元件的制造和太阳能技术,...
英福康Inficon检漏仪维修 Helium Leak Detector UL1000 - INFICON销售编号: Inficon检漏仪 品牌: 英福康Inficon检漏仪维修 产品详情 杭州英福康Inficon检漏仪维修 Helium Leak Detector UL1000 - INFICON销售 温州英福康Inficon检漏仪维修 Helium Leak Detector UL1000 - INFICON销售...
Theleakratestatesthequantityofgaswhichflowsthroughaleakingpointatagivenpressuredifference.Pressuregauge •Unit:mbar·l·s-1 Pointoftheleak qPV VW=1l •Diameter 1.0cm1.0mm0.1mm0.01mm1.0µm •••1.0Angstrom Definition equalsheliumleakrate(mbarI/s)10+410+210010-210-4 •••10-...
英福康Inficon检漏仪维修 inficon Modul 1000 helium Leak Tester测试 品牌:英福康Inficon检漏仪 类型:氦气检漏仪 产品详情 英福康Inficon检漏仪维修 inficon Modul 1000 helium Leak Tester测试 DATASHEETS Helium leak detector UL1000 |EN| |DE| |ES| |日文| |한국| |中文| ...
Theleakratestatesthequantityofgaswhichflowsthroughaleakingpointatagivenpressuredifference.Pressuregauge •Unit:mbar·l·s-1 Pointoftheleak qPV VW=1l •Diameter 1.0cm1.0mm0.1mm0.01mm1.0µm •••1.0Angstrom Definition equalsheliumleakrate(mbarI/s)10+410+210010-210-4 •••10-...
INFICON UL1000氦质谱检漏仪 UL1000
英福康INFICON检漏仪UL1000HLD5000P3000E3000测漏仪器说明书 系统标签: inficon英福康检漏氦气leakhelium LeakDetectorWorkshop Agenda •Definition •MethodsofLeakDetection •PrinciplesofLeakDetectors •OverviewofINFICONL.D. •Howtoperformaleakcheck Definition •Whatisaleakrate? Theleakratestatesthe quantity...
UL1000Helium Leak DetectorSETTING THE STANDARD FOR INDUSTRIAL LEAK DETECTION 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 8 p. GB/T 35599-2017 仪器用玻璃及其制品的外观缺陷术语 2 p. 力量 6 p. 住房装修预算 7 p. 现场文明施工措施 9 p. 德语职业规划 56 p. 验收资料 5 p. 考勤管理制度 7 ...