Helium Leak Detector LDS3000 Modular leak detector, compact Performance at the Highest Level LDS3000 More Compact And Easier To Integrate Communicative Diversity High Reliability Hydrogen and Helium Leak Detector XL3000flex HIGH FLOW technology for highest measurement certainty and fastest throughput. ...
Gas type: Helium, Hydrogen, CO2 and refrigerants including R600a and R290 Application: Test and calibration of leak detectors 产品 适用于氦气吸枪检漏仪 Protec P3000(XL) 的校准漏孔 适用于冷媒吸枪检漏仪的校准漏孔 适用于氦气真空检漏仪 UL1000/UL1000Fab/UL5000 的校准漏孔 适用于 Sensistor 工业氢...
fromneighboringmasses•Only5ppmintheair--->averylowbackground•Smallestgasparticleexcepthydrogen•Inertgas--->doesnotreactwithothersubstances•Non-toxic,non-combustible,non-explosive•lighterthanair--->itaidsleaktesting,asthetest gasmayescapeupwards•inexpensive MethodsofLeakDetection MethodsofLeak...
fromneighboringmasses•Only5ppmintheair--->averylowbackground•Smallestgasparticleexcepthydrogen•Inertgas--->doesnotreactwithothersubstances•Non-toxic,non-combustible,non-explosive•lighterthanair--->itaidsleaktesting,asthetest gasmayescapeupwards•inexpensive MethodsofLeakDetection MethodsofLeak...
HYDRO-S (HYDROgen-Suppression) to enable test conditions to be reached quickly. I-CAL (Intelligent - Calculation Algorithm for Leak Rates) to ensure fast response to leaks in all measurement ranges. A special multiple inlet turbomolecular pump that provides optimized high helium pumping speeds with...
Leak Detector Selective Mass Spectrometer (1)magnetic field (perpendicular to ion path) (2)positive ions (all masses) (3)ion collector (4)ampere meter and amplifier (5)accelerating voltage (6)anode (7)electrons (8)heated filament (iridium/yttrium coated) P.S : hydrogen atoms/ions (red ...
For maximum accuracy - for easy and reliable testing and calibration of all kinds of leak detectors. Gas type: Helium, Hydrogen, CO2 and refrigerants including R600a and R290 Application: Test and calibration of leak detectors 益处 产品 Calibration Leaks for Helium Sniffer Leak Detector Protec P...
PrinciplesofLeakDetector SelectiveMassSpectrometer •(1)magneticfield (perpendiculartoionpath) •(2)positiveions(allmasses) •(3)ioncollector •(4)amperemeterand amplifier •(5)acceleratingvoltage •(6)anode •(7)electrons •(8)heatedfilament (iridium/yttriumcoated) •P.S:hydrogenatoms...
Leak Check Why use Helium as a test gas? Excellent separation within a mass spectrometer from neighboring masses Only 5 ppm in the air--->a very low background Smallest gas particle except hydrogen Inert gas--->does not react with other substances ...
Automotive Service Tools (AST) leak detectors. This line offers a variety of handheld leak detectors designed specifically for automotive aftermarket AC service. Whether you have a traditional refrigerant or hydrogen forming gas application, our AST line has a leak testing solution to meet your needs...