Cook, L. Martinez-Pomares, and A.P. Mountford, The Mannose Receptor (CD206) is an important pattern recognition receptor (PRR) in the detection of the infective stage of the helminth Schistosoma mansoni and modulates IFNgamma production. Int J Parasitol, 2011. 41(13-14): p. 1335-45....
All trematode species that are parasitic for humans are digenetic. Sexual reproduction in the adult fluke is followed by asexual multiplication in the larval stage. Most species of adult trematodes have an oral and ventral sucker. The life cycles of trematodes that are important human pathogens ar...
NBL were chosen as a target for the complement killing assay because the NBL stage is the stage that migrates through the blood and lymphatic circulation to muscular tissue and is exposed directly to the host immune system, thus, this stage should develop sophisticated abilities to evade ...
A full-length mRNA encoding a secreted 26-kDa antigen of infective larvae of the ascarid nematode parasite Toxocara canis has been identified. This was characterized as a 1,082-base pair clone highly abundant (0.8-1.9%) in cDNA prepared from infective stage larvae but absent from cDNA from ...
Paveley RA,Aynsley SA,Turner JD,et al.The Mannose Re-ceptor(CD206)is an important pattern recognition receptor(PRR)in the detection of the infective stage of the helminthSchistosoma mansoni and modulates IFNγproduction.Int JParasitol. 2011
After inoculation of infective larvae into rats a varying number transformed into stage-4 larvae but they did not develop into adult worms and were killed. However, when the rats were immunodepressed non-specifically by a pre-existing Schistosoma mansoni infection or by treatment with S. mansoni-...
Bin Zhan Peter J. Hotez Yan Wang and John M. Hawdon.A developmentally regulated metalloprotease secreted by host-stimulated Ancylostoma caninum third-stage infective larvae is a member of the astacin family of proteases.Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 2002...