On the contrary, for infectious disease, the interaction between cases and contacts is of prime importance; this special feature of infectious disease epidemiology is discussed in the section transmission and basic concepts important to infectious diseases. Although not entirely specific of infectious dise...
Serotype 1 ofIBDVbelonging to the familyBirnaviridaeand commonly known as Gumboro disease virus is a significant cause of diarrhoea,immunosuppressionand mortality in chickens. Virus transmission is via infected food and water, virus primarily replicating in theoropharynxresulting inviraemiaand infection of...
it is necessary to take targeted isolation and infection control measures according to the type of the infectious disease, its routes of transmission,infectious periodand the degree of its infectiveness, so as to prevent the spread of the disease to other patients, their families, accompanying staf...
It spread rapidly o Europe and became known as "The Black Death"ecause one visible symptom was black spots on the DO body.[ 1 ]given to an infectious disease 为 -ed 形式作定语,修饰 the name, that rapidly spreads to...为定语从句。[2]句中 which引导非限制性定语从句。[3] With recent ...
用SpringerLink数据库检索“传染病模型”的定义,在高级检索(Advanced Search)的( )匹配行中输入检索语句infectious disease model,在检索结果中筛选出( ),浏览条目(entry term)"Infectious Disease Modeling"全文,可得Infectious Disease Models的定义(definition),若用国家标准2015格式标注定义出处,正确的著录格式是( )。
Infectious Diseases and Microbiological Threats Martin Wahl 12 12.1 Introduction (Fig. 12.1) Hardly a day passes without new headlines concerning infectious disease threats. The time is far from near to "close the book on infectious disease." Not all infec- tious disease threats evolve into ...
2.2.1. Definition of an infectious disease/infection The definition of an infectious disease/infection is the first step towards understanding the mechanisms involved in the transmission of a pathogen between animals. The first definition was given by Koch in four postulates at the end of the 19th...
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) Definition a highly infectious disease with a short incubation period caused by aphthovirus of the family Picornaviridae with seven serotypes. A transboundary disease of the OIE. Clinical features cattle infected with foot-and-mouth disease are dull, off feed, and dr...
Infectious bronchitis(IB) is a poultry viral disease caused by acoronavirus, an envelopedRNA virus. The coronavirus belongs to theCoronaviridaefamily. The essential coronavirus characteristic is antigenic plasticity, because of the variableamino acid sequencesof spicules on the surface. Manyserotypesexist...
Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) is a member of the Rhabdoviridae family, genus ‘IHNV-like viruses’, and is the causative agent of an acute, systemic disease in young salmonid fish. From:Encyclopedia of Virology (Second Edition),1999 ...