Root canal treatment: During the root canal treatment, the dentist drills into the affected tooth to be able to remove the infected pulp and drain the abscess. After filling and sealing the pulp chamber, a crown is typically added for further protection. After the root canal treatment, taking...
A foul smell coming from your mouth can indicate that you have an oral infection due to bacteria buildup caused by poor oral hygiene habits such as not brushing regularly enough or not flossing after meals properly. If this bad breath persists despite brushing more frequently, you should visit ...
Root canal treatment outcomesterile protocolAim To evaluate the effect of an enhanced infection control protocol on root canal treatment outcomes and on microbial load within root canals after chemomechanical preparation. Methodology A total of 144 molar teeth from 139 healthy patients receiving primary ...
Influence of residual bacteria on periapical tissue healing after chemomechanical treatment and root filling of experimentally infected monkey teeth. endodontic therapyroot canal infectionThe purpose of this study was twofold: first, to determine the influence on the healing of the periapical tissues when...
Root canal treatment is a frequently performed procedure aimed to address pulpal and peri-radicular disease. It comprises a number of clinical steps regardless of the initial diagnosis. The emphasis of each step varies according to whether there is a vital pulp (non-infected) or if the pulp ...
"Over 20 years ago diagnosed with Candida (vaginal) after my doctor gave me a strong course of antibiotics. I proceeded to try every remedy going, every drug, every alternative treatment, anti Candida diets with every supplement available, other supplements in incredibly high dose... Nothing wor...
According to different research, after implant-related surgery, the risk of biofilm-associated infections (BAIs) recurring is still high. It has been shown that biofilms on the surface of implants shield bacteria from antibiotics and thwart innate immune responses. Furthermore, there is still a lac...
When microorganisms access the root canal system, they can penetrate the root canal dentin. A reservoir of these bacteria could potentially serve as a source of root canal reinfection both during and after endodontic treatment [64]. The objective of the researchers’ endeavor was to isolate and ...
10. Omura Yet al.Caprylic acid in the effective treatment of intractable medical problems of frequent urination, incontinence, chronic upper respiratory infection, root canalled tooth infection, ALS, etc., caused by asbestos & mixed infections of Candida albicans, helicobacter pylori & cytomegalovirus ...
Outside of the foot, osteomyelitis may be caused by hematogenous spread, spread from a contiguous infected source, direct implantation (i.e., penetrating injury or puncture), or after surgery [62]. An abundance of vascular channels with slow, turbulent flow within the medullary canal of the me...