To improve the quality and visibility level of medical journals by exchanging information and experience about editing and publishing of medical journals and by establishing rules in accordance wit…" [more]Omer ...
Incidence of these complications is rather low yet they are all life-threatening and need prompt detection and management.1,2 Case report: A 64-year-old healthy female was admitted due to acute posterolateral myocardial infarction. During the initial examination, the patient was hemodynamically ...
ASSOTsIATsII POLIMORFNYKh MARKEROV GENOV FAKTOROV VOSPALENIYa S INFARKTOM MIOKARDAligand–1 genotypes/haplotypes are associated with risk of incident CHD and ischemic stroke:The atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study // Atherosclerosis. 2007. Genome-Wideassociation analysis of soluble ICAM...
Ruptura papilarnog miia usled akutnog infarkta miokarda praena kardiogenim okom, edemom plua i bubrenom insuficijencijom. (Serbian).Aim. The case of successful surgical treatment of anterolateral papillary muscle rupture due to acute myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock, pulmonary edema ...
The results were as fol- lows: FT3, TT3 and FT4 levels were lower, TT4 and TSH were normal and reverse T3 is increased, with statistical significance to control group, p<0,001. In conditions where there is a serious disease-myocardial infarction, thyroid gland reduces the level of T3 and...
Peculiarities of the course of myocardial infarct as a function of age | Osobennosti techeniia infarkta miokarda v zavisimosti ot vozrasta.Chazov, E.IAronov, D.MNikolaeva, L.FAronov, David
Antifosfolipidni sindrom kao uzrok akutnog infarkta miokarda s ST elevacijom u mlaeg mukarca. (Croatian).(English):The aim of this article was to present a case of twentyeight years old male who was admitted in coronary Intesive Care Unit due to acute myocardial infraction with ST-...
Farmakoinvazivna strategija i njezino mjesto u zbrinjavanju bolesnika s akutnim infarktom miokarda s elevacijom ST-segmenta.Effective, early and rapid reperfusion therapy is the most important goal in the treatment of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Timely...
Uticaj dvojne antiagregacione terapije na prolaznost infarktne arterije nakon akutnog infarkta miokarda sa ST elevacijom. (Serbian).doi:10.2298/VSP0702117Dmyocardial infarctionplatelet aggregation inhibitorsdrug therapycombinationheparinlow-molecularweight...
ISTRAIVANJE KVALITETA IVOTA POVEZANOG SA ZDRAVLJEM PACIJENATA POSLE AKUTNOG INFARKTA MIOKARDA. (Croatian).doi:10.2298/MPNS1110453RIntroduction Acute myocardial infarction has negative influence on patient's quality of life. The objective of the paper was to assess the health-related quality of...