Steward D.K.: "Biological vulnerability in infants with failure to thrive: the association with birthweight". Child Care Health Dev., 2001, 27, 555.Steward DK. Biological vulnerability in infants with failure to thrive: the association with birthweight. Child Care Health Dev 2001;27:555-67....
Ryan-Wenger, Biobehavioral characteristics of infants with failure to thrive. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2001. 16(3): p. 162-71.Steward DK, Moser DK, Ryan-Wenger NA. Biobehavioral characteristics of infants with failure to thrive. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2001;16(3):162-171....
Tannenbaum GS, Ramsay M, Martel C et al (2009) Elevated circulating acylated and total ghrelin concentrations along with reduced appetite scores in infants with failure to thrive. Pediatr Res 65:569-573Tannenbaum GS, Ramsay M, Martel C, Samia M, Zygmuntowicz C, Porporino M, Ghosh S. ...
Results None of the prenatal factors was associated with failure to thrive in the multivariable analysis nor were traditional markers of socioeconomic deprivation such as poor parental education or low occupational status. Parental height was significantly correlated with slow infant weight gain in both ...
We analyzed the impact of nutritional state on N-BNP levels in infants with failure to thrive (FTT) and in infants with severe heart failure (HF). The purpose of this study was to compare N-BNP levels in infants with FTT with infants with severe HF and healthy controls. Methods. In a...
What is the clinical workup for failure to thrive in infants? Evidence-Based Answer: The workup for failure to thrive should begin with a detailed history and physical examination. No specific routine labs or imaging studies are recommended; any additional workup should be guided by informa...
Treatment of Infants with Nonorganic Failure-to-Thrive. In : National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (Eds). Selected readings on Child Neglect (40-46). Washington, DC : U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. (In Laframboise, 1997)Ayoub, C., Pfeifer, D., & Leichtman, L...
786 CARE OF INFANTS WITH NONORGANIC FAILURE TO THRIVE: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM APPROACHPediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the etiologies of diseases of children and disorders of development, extending from molecular biology to epidemiology. Use of model ...
Failure to thrive (FTT) is a diagnostic term used to describe infants and children who fail to grow and develop at a normal rate. There has been limited literature focused on the role social workers play in working with children who fail to thrive. Because the focus of the current health ...
The development of failure to thrive (FTT) is hypothesized to be caused by the interaction between biological and environmental factors. Birthweight is one biological variable thought to play a role in the infant's growth failure. In studies that enrolled infants with FTT who were full-term at...