Night waking in Thai infants at 3 months of age: association between parental practices and infant sleep. Sleep Med 2008;9:564–571.Anuntaseree W, Mo-suwan L, Vasiknanonte P, Kuasirikul S, Ma-a-lee A, Choprapawan C. Night waking in Thai infants at 3 months of age: association ...
At three months after infant hospital discharge, the interactions of 50 premature infants (< or = 32 weeks) and their mothers were videotaped and coded using the Nursing Child Assessment Feeding Scale. The relationship between data derived from the feeding interaction and maternal psychosocial and ...
Complete data were available from 108 mother-infant dyads. Greater COVID-19-related prenatal stress was significantly associated with higher infants'methylation in seven CpG sites.methylation at these sites predicted infants' temperament at 3months. 展开 关键词:...
Moreover, the level of protective antibodies decreased with age, with almost all infants lacking maternal antibodies at 3 months old. The study shows that current vaccination programs are not effective in controlling transmission of measles to infants, said Matthew Boulton, senior associate dean for ...
et al. Persistent Beneficial Effects of Breast Milk Ingested in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on Outcomes of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants at 30 Months of Age. Pediatrics 120, e953–e959 (2007). Article PubMed Google Scholar Azad, M. B. Infant feeding and the developmental origins...
The power of human language derives not only from the precision of its signal or the complexity of its grammar, but also from its links to cognition. Infants as young as 3 months have begun to link language and core cognitive capacities. At 3 and 4 month
Mother-infant interactions at 2 and 3 months in preterm, small-for-gestational-age, and full-term infants; their relationship with cognitive development at... Mother-infant interactions at 2 and 3 months in preterm, small-for-gestational-age, and full-term infants; their relationship with ...
Cluster analysis of behaviors of 49 Japanese and 93 American Caucasian male and female infants and their mothers, filmed in the home at infant age 3 months, indicates dramatic culture differences in behavior types. "Japanese infant types" and "American infant types" emerged, but no distinctive ma...
The 15 ELGANs with BPD-PH at 3 months of chronological age had a higher estimated “RVSP” of 34 (30–41) mmHg vs. 21 (19–23) mmHg in patients without PH (p < 0.001). At the 1-year follow-up time point, these 15 patents with BPD-PH diagnosed at 3 months still showed ...
At the moment of the reaching, the two objects were fully visible. (For movies details, timing and counterbalancing of all experiments see Supplementary Note 3). In Experiment 1 infants were familiarized with a choice between the same pair of objects that were also used in the test (...