One infantry company was trained for 4 weeks with an experimental EFFTRAIN training package--consisting of a board game, field opposition exercises for leaders, and infantry REALTRAIN exercises--and then its performance was compared with that of a control company that conducted training of its own...
3X5 Orders: Company 3X5 Orders: Platoon 3X5 Orders: Squad Orders Shortland ControlMeasures TerrainModels Ukraine Ukraine: Lessons for Leaders The TacticalNotebook Ukraine CASEVAC Lessons IPB Questions on Blocking Position 07 Night Combat Night Warrior Handbook ...
thus enabling his own and another company to withdraw when both positions were nearly enveloped. During the action, Sgt. Lopez was compelled to shift his firing
Identifying SA requirements for specific jobs is a necessary first step in accurately assessing SA, developing training programs to enhance SA skills, and evaluating the impact of new technology on SA. This research identified the SA requirements for infantry small unit leaders. Six highly experienced...
Lewis less than two months before beginning forty-six months of training and division building that would take the “Sightseers” to nine different army camps and post before its assignment to the Southwest Pacific. First stop for the Sixth was Camp Jackson, South Carolina where the original ...
HEADQUARTERSFM 7-10 DEPARTMENT INFANTRYRIFLE COMPANY DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved publicrelease; distribution unlimited.FM 7-10 C1 HEADQUARTERS CHANGE ARMYWashington, DC, 31 October 2000 InfantryRifle Company ChangeFM 7-10, dated 14 December 1990, follows:REMOVE OLD PAGES INSERT NEW PAGES None L...
Emerging Marine Corps infantry concepts such as enhanced company operations (ECO) and distributed operations (DO) place increasing decision-making responsibilities on small unit leaders. In the future, it will become increasingly important to identify individuals with the required skill sets to perform ...