An infantry squad leader positionis a job within the leadership chain of command in both U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) infantry units. Infantry squad leaders in both of these branches of the military perform a variety of duties, many specific to the actual position; others are ...
A field exercise was designed to establish the necessary environment for tactical conditions under which platoon/squad leader span of control could be measured. The information recorded by the observer team and the chief controller support the view that there was no one area of measurement in which...
Infantry rifle squad leadersThe paper sets forth performances, knowledges, and skills necessary for the Infantry rifle squad leader to physically condition himself and his men to perform the missions of a rifle squad. (Author)Kelly, H. E
Infantry rifle squad leadersThe paper is concerned with the performances, knowledges, and skills required of the Infantry rifle squad leader in planning and directing his squad's actions as part of the platoon in company offensive operations. (Author)Cleary, F. K...
However, to the best of our knowledge, there are currently no microworlds that reproduce the main tasks of the squad leader during operations. This article adresses this gap by describing the design and validation of a new microworld: the Simulated Multitasking Environment fo...
Critical Combat Performances, Knowledges, and Skills Required of the Infantry Rifle Squad Leader: Squad Formations, Battle Drill, and Elementary Fire and Maneuver.Army operationsCombat surveillanceInfantryArmy trainingLeadershipPerformance(Human)Warfare
infantryleadershipperformance(human)warfareinstruction manualsThe paper covers the critical combat performances, knowledges,and skills required of the Infantry rifle squad leader when directing the employment of portable flamethrowers by members of his squad or by attached personnel in combat operations ...
The paper covers the performances required of the Infantry rifle squad leader to detect, recognize, and report the employment of CBR and nuclear attacks and to supervise the activities of his men when faced with such hazards. (Author)Kelly, H. E...