infantile scoliosisearly onset scoliosisscoliosis castingCasting for infantile scoliosis is a nearly forgotten but useful technique for treating progressive early onset scoliosis, which can result in either cure for younger children with smaller curves or delay in the need for surgery in others. The ...
For brace construction a new x-ray has been made showing the curve meanwhile has been reduced to 24deg Cobb, however still with significant wedging of the apical vertebra.Conclusions: (1) Successful brace treatment in infantile / juvenile patients with scoliosis is possible. (2) When treated ...
Mehta. It shows that infantile scoliosis can be reversed by harnessing the vigorous growth of the infant to early treatment. Material and methods In 1965, Cotrel and Morel describing the EDF plaster jacket technique stated that "in young children, it should be feasible not only to prevent ...
To the Editor: The September 2017 edition of The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association featured an interesting article by Feely and Kapraun.1 This article describes the application of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) in a case of infantile idiopathic scoliosis (IIS), attribfuting ...
There was no significant difference between the rates of post-op progression for those who had a sternotomy versus a thoracotomy (0.5 vs. 0.5 deg/month P = 0.503). Conclusion Thoracotomies and sternotomies do not appear to increase the rate of progression of scoliosis in these patients....
RESULTS OF SURGICAL TREATMENT OF INFANTILE AND JUVENILE SCOLIOSIS USING VARIOUS INSTRUMENTATIONdoi:10.20538/1682-0363-2015-1-51-59Mikhail MikhaylovskiyVasily A SuzdalovDenis N DolotinInga G UdalovaBlleten' Sibirskoj Mediciny
Paper #34 Does Initial Cast Correction Predict Treatment Success for Infantile Scoliosis?doi:10.1016/j.jspd.2015.09.038JaimeA.GomezAlexandraGrzywnaPatriciaE.MillerLawrenceI.elsevierSpine Deformity
Background: Treatment of early onset scoliosis (EOS) with growing rods (GR) can be challenging in patients with significant deformity, hyperkyphosis, or poor bone quality, due to risks of neurological deficit and hardware pull-out. The objective of this study is to report a series of EOS ...
infantile idiopathic scoliosisCobb anglerib vertebral angle differencecastingoutcomescurve resolutiondelaying of surgeryBackground: Serial casting for early-onset scoliosis has been shown to improve curve deformity. Our goal was to define clinical and radiographic features that determine response to treatment....