for some odd reason whenever I place an infant in their crib whether I'm using mods or not they drag around on the floor I've tried repairing the game a few times, updating mods, and removing custom content from the game and nothing works the infant sims still drag around on the ...
Same with newborns - before the patch, my parent Sims would cycle through shush, feed, change if the baby wouldn’t stop crying. Now they just keep cuddling over and over unless I pause the game, cancel the queue, and tell them to feed or change diaper before restarting. Played...
I'm experiencing this bug with infants after the Crystal Creations pack, with NO mods/cc.I also have all packs, and all kits except modern menswear. - 11636408
@crinrict I have resolved this issue, I simply just had to put my makeup cc back in the game for it to unlock makeup for kids. I never noticed before because I don't play without cc. I wish I could delete this post now, I feel dumb lol. Thank you anyway! Reply 0 + XP ...
If it does, narrow down which one it could be, by using the 50/50 method:'s the current list for broken mods/cc:
{"__typename":"Category","id":"category:the-sims-4-en","entityType":"CATEGORY","displayId":"the-sims-4-en","nodeType":"category","depth":3,"title":"The Sims 4","shortTitle":"The Sims 4","parent":{"__ref":"Category:category:the-sims-en"},"categoryPolicies":{"__typename"...
No stomach/ body CC on sim. No...","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjQuMTJ8Mi4xfGl8MTB8Mzk6MXxpbnQsOTIyNzUwOSw5MjI3NTA5","node":{"__ref":"ForumReplyMessage:message:9227509"}}],"pageInfo":{"__typename":"PageInfo...
(When I disable cc in game there is no problem but when I turn it back on the same problem appears) When I put the map sims 4 on my desktop it won't replace with a new one, I don't use OneDrive or iCloud so there's nothing there. I've basically tried everythin...
MMicircoroorogragnainsimsms s2022032,3,1111, ,1x48F4OR PEER REVIEW 9 o9fo1f515 FFiigguurree 66.. NNeettwwoorrkkaannaalylysissisoof finifnafnatnatnadndadaudltusltkisnkimnimcroicbrioobmioems: ecsy:tocsyctaopsecavpiseuvailsizuaatliioznatoiof ncoo-ofcc-o- occucrurerrnecnecneentwetowrkorc...
4 + XP Me too #2 April 2021 Options crinrict Hero @MatsuyoRific Does it happen without mods/cc installed ? Good LuckCrin I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your compute...