I need help when I cry. And I need a lot of help, so I cry every day. But if I know you’re trying to take care of my needs, I’ll grow up confident and happy. Daddy Time I love Mommy, but I need to have a great relationship with Daddy too. Every day, I need to hold,...
“Millions of Americans are now spending more than 1 in 4 dollars of their income on childcare, reducing their ability to pay for housing, healthcare, or healthy food,” Jeremy Ney writes in the report. “This is particularly challenging for low-income Americans who may already have ...
As we have all heard, heat related deaths are on the rise. No too far from this incident in Fort Worth Texas there have been 4 heat related deaths in July alone. Be sure and always make sure your keys are in your hand when exiting a vehicle, and NEVER forget to check your back-sea...
For as many hours of the day that infants need care, it simply is not reasonable to expect parents and caregivers to put them in a crib. The CPSC’s claims are wrong. The agency ignores the important role loungers can have for parents and makes the wrong choice for families. Leachco ...
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