Using this app on my phone has completely supplanted standalone GPS units. It’s what I use and teach when guiding.Gaia GPSis the standard backcountry GPS navigation tool for iOS (Apple smartphones), and it is fully capable on Android smartphones as well. Gaia allows loading of GPS data,...
(A) Comparison of RT-LAMP and RT-PCR results. The Ct values (RT-PCR results) of 126 COVID-19 positive patients (y-axis) were compared to the RT-LAMP readout (x-axis) taken after 30 min of incubation at 65 °C (positive, +/yellow; negative, −/pink). The dotted red line ...
The resulting setup enables on-chip fluid storage and its metered delivery into the microfluidic chip by twisting the screw cap by pre-determined angle of rotation with fingers (Figure 2D). The finger twist pumping mechanism is capable of injecting and withdrawing a precise quantity of liquid ...
(GCD) profiles under different bending angles, (d,e) CV voltammograms of cells (1–3 cells) connected in series at a rate of 10 mV s−1, (f,g) comparison of GCD diagrams of cells with series and parallel connections, (h) picture of red-blue-green Light Emitting Diode (RBG LED) ...