The highest LA productions (14.64 卤 0.05g/l and 13.4 卤 0.02g/l) were obtained in production medium supplemented with chicken and fish by-products, respectively, making them the most promising sources of nitrogen. The proximate analysis of these nitrogen sources revealed that t...
In order to develop a practical chip for diagnostic tests, anti-C-reactive protein antibody was continuously ejected using a piezoelectric injector and microdeposition was monitored on a shot-by-shot basis using a 30MHz quartz crystal microbalance. Background noise due to external sources such as ...
The development of human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology has revolutionized the regenerative medicine field. This technology provides a powerful tool for disease modeling and drug screening approaches. To circumvent the risk of random integration into the host genome caused by retroviruses...
“Look for products with five to 10 grams of protein per serving [and] ideally more protein than sugar.” (Minimal added sugar is best, she says.) “[Opt for] high-quality protein sources like whey, casein, plant-based proteins, or collagen.” ...
24 and tested, on clinical specimens from large cohorts of COVID-19 patients, by several other authors16,17,18,19. The primer set (N-A) targeted the N gene, which encodes the nucleocapsid protein and has the most abundant expression of subgenomic mRNA during infection32,33,34,35. We ...
A team at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics has created a laser capable of generating ultrashort pulses of light even under extremely difficult external conditions. This unique combination of precision and resilience is due to the fact that th
In this study, inexpensive agricultural by-products were used as nitrogen sources for bacitracin production. Based on both the orthogonal tests, a combination of 7% soybean meal (SBM) +2% low protein rapeseed cake (LPRC) was optimal for bacitracin production. Compared to the original formula, ...
We demonstrate this capability by the simultaneous detection of glucose and protein in 5 L of urine. The assay system is small, disposable, easy to use (and carry), and requires no external equipment, reagents, or power sources. We believe this kind of system is attractive for use in less...
The production of arachidonic acid was studied in the fungus Mortierella alpina using an inexpensive medium. Glucose derived from maize starch hydrolysate was the sole carbon source and defatted soybean meal and sodium nitrate were the nitrogen sources. Optimal arachidonic acid yield (47 g l-1) ...
Substitution of peptone and yeast extract with low cost protein/nitrogen sources, red lentil flour (RL) and bakers yeast (yeast cells, YC) was studied. Central composite rotatable design (CCRD) was employed to determine maximum production of lactic acid at optimum values of the process variables...