At seniors' sides are a number of small and lightweight wearable devices (WDs) which are capable of automatically detecting accidental falls, inferring simple activities of daily livings (ADLs), monitoring body temperatures and heart rates, etc. WDs communicate with BS, possibly via range ...
In acquiring home devices, self-image may trump need in younger seniors Younger age was found to be associated with not having the equipment participants needed: Among those ages 65 to 74, half had an unmet need, versus 29 percent for those who were 85 or older. Of note, participants who...
Improving Self-Care for Heart Failure for Seniors: The Impact of Video and Written Education and Decision Aids Heart failure poses a substantial burden on health care expenditures and quality of life; therefore, strategies to improve health behaviors for heart failu... DR Veroff,LA Sullivan,EJ ...
It’s really not that easy to survive and climb the corporate ladder in flying colors. The regular pressure of deadlines, overtimes, harsh words from the seniors — everything takes a toll on our mental health. So, whenever you get a chance, try to remind your colleagues that they are ...