Consider investing in itK-cup coffee machine. They are so inexpensive these days. And don’t forget to stock up on bulk coffee. This will keep your employees happy, help them socialize, and keep them alert and caffeinated. It’s a win-win situation.Check out theseother community gifts for...
10. A Dolly Parton–inspired mug they'll want to use every single day (and display on their desk when the coffee's run out) to make fueling up for another grueling workday just a little better. Pour yourself a cup of ambition, bb. Summit and Sage / Etsy Promising review: "These are...
27. A handheld electric milk frother that'll basically transform any kitchen into a schmancy little coffee shop. It even works to create cold foam! It's battery operated — just run it in some soapy water for an easy cleaning! Promising review: "Love this little thing! I hav...
I have every thing you can think of at home for making coffee and espresso... Well I love the Starbucks pumpkin cream cold brew with foam. I set out to make my own. Well I can now make cold foam thanks to this little tool. Love it!" —Gav's mama ...
10. A Dolly Parton–inspired mug they'll want to use every single day (and display on their desk when the coffee's run out) to make fueling up for another grueling workday just a little better. Pour yourself a cup of ambition, bb. Summit and Sage / Etsy Promising review: "These are...
10. A Dolly Parton–inspired mug they'll want to use every single day (and display on their desk when the coffee's run out) to make fueling up for another grueling workday just a little better. Pour yourself a cup of ambition, bb. Summit and Sage / Etsy Promising review: "These are...