import;你写的import*;错了一层 但是 你的程序却依然调不通的 问题很多 至少截图上这段代码不知所云 如果你不是这个意思 请不要介意 如果你程序调不通 那么可以告诉你这个程序是是啥需求
TYPE_IPv4){ IPv4 ip = (IPv4) eth.getPayload(); InetAddress srcIP = InetAddress.getByAddress( BigInteger.valueOf(ip.getSourceAddress()).toByteArray()); InetAddress dstIP = InetAddress.getByAddress( BigInteger.valueOf(ip.getDestinationAddress()).toByteArray()); if(ip.getProtocol() == ...
InetAddress adr2){byte[] ba1 = adr1.getAddress();byte[] ba2 = adr2.getAddress();// general ordering: ipv4 before ipv6if(ba1.length < ba2.length)return-1;if(ba1.length > ba2.length)return1;// we have 2 ips of the same type, so we have to compare each bytefor(inti...
MUST run as root. You must be root to have priviliges to create raw sockets over which to send the ICMP ECHO. If you are not root then this problem cannot be reproduced. A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM : A java process that continuously loops for a reachable host will impact on the timeo...
importorg.apache.http.conn.util.InetAddressUtils;//导入方法依赖的package包/类publicfinalvoidverify(finalString host,finalX509Certificate cert)throwsSSLException{finalbooleanipv4 = InetAddressUtils.isIPv4Address(host);finalbooleanipv6 = InetAddressUtils.isIPv6Address(host);finalintsubjectType = ipv4 ||...
JDK-8135259 : InetAddress.getAllByName only reports "unknown error" instead of actual cause Type: Bug Component: core-libs Affected Version: 8 Priority: P3 Status: Resolved Resolution: Fixed OS: linux_ubuntu CPU: x86_64 Submitted: 2015-09-02 Updated: 2016-07-21 Resolve...
In Java 8, attempts to resolve a host unknown to the DNS server cause an UnknownHostException stating "unknown error". Possible root cause: It appears that Java 7 had initialization that allowed the gai_strerror_ptr function pointer to be correctly initialized: ...
Cannot be null or < 0 * @param fixedSourcePort True if the <code>sourcePort</code> has to be used as a fixed port number. False if the <code>sourcePort</code> * will be added to the port offset while determining the absolute source port. */ public OutboundSocketBinding(final String...
problem stems from Java (at the native level) only taking the address value from this sockaddr structure, and placing it into a byte array which is returned to Java code (to then be put into a InetAddress array which is what InetAddress.getAllByName() returns). This means the scope ID ...
* cannot be resolved or if there is any other failure, "localhost" is * returned as a fallback. */publicstaticStringlocalHostName(){try{ InetAddress localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost();returnlocalhost.getHostName(); }catch(Exception e) { ...