2.close()是该函数用来关闭已打开的文件.指定的参数fd为o xp无法定位程序输入点inet_ntop于动态链接库ws2_32.dll 缺失ws2_32.dll文件造成,解决步骤如下:1、首先,在一定途径获取ws2_32.dll文件,例如搜索引擎查询并下 两层阳光房-可上门设计安装,更贴心舒适 墨克门窗两层阳光房造型美观大方,品质保证,施工经验丰富...
From what I read about inet_pton I cant seem to use it in XP and older versions of windows, so that is not really an option for me.As for the property settings, I tried it but it did not solve the problem.I solved this after defining _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS in the ...
' is not a valid character for a hostname. If we get# here a few things have to be true:# - We're on a recent version of python 2.7 (2.7.9+).# 2.6 and older 2.7 versions don't support SNI.# - We're on Windows XP or some unusual Unix that doesn't# haveinet_pton.# - ...
xp无法定位程序输入点inet_ntop于动态链接库ws2_32.dll 缺失ws2_32.dll文件造成,解决步骤如下:1、首先,在一定途径获取ws2_32.dll文件,例如搜索引擎查询并下 您好玩单机游戏启动出现 无法定位程序输入点 inet_pton 与动态链接库 WS2_32.dll上 : dll误删或者丢失 【简易步骤】: 1. 打开【360系统急救箱】—界面...
inet_pton Linux下这2个IP地址转换函数,可以在将IP地址在“点分十进制”和“整数”之间转换 ...
解决办法: 1、远程访问记事簿文件和当前的“网络和拨号连接”配置可能不一致如果更改了通讯设备(例如:...
#define _WIN32_WINNT_NT4 0x0400 // Windows NT 4.0 #define _WIN32_WINNT_WIN2K 0x0500 // Windows 2000 #define _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP 0x0501 // Windows XP #define _WIN32_WINNT_WS03 0x0502 // Windows Server 2003 <--- MSYS 环境默认的版本 #define _WIN32_WINNT_WIN6 0x0600 // Windows ...
应该是dll文件缺失或损坏吧,你需要重新下载然后打开文件并解压,将文件按照不同版本拷入文件夹内。Windows 95/98/ME:X:\Windows\system Windows NT/2000:X:\WINNT\system32 Windows 2000 Limited Edition:X:\WINNT\sysWOW64 Windows XP/2003/vista/2008/7/8/2012:X:\Windows\system32 (32 位)...