His new book,Inequality Kills Us All, rests on a grim reality: Americans have spent recent decades dying at much higher rates than people living in our peer nations, societies that all spend significantlylesson medical care than we do in the United States and yet enjoy significantlylongerlife ...
She is a member of the World Health Organization's Council on the Economics of Health For All. Here's a hard truth that the pandemic brought home to us. Unequal access to incomes and opportunities does more than create unjust, unhealthy, and unhappy societies: it actually kills people. ...
The hack leftists at Oxfam have a new report with the laughable title of “Inequality Kills.” As part of the report, they grouse about “the recent 40-year period of neoliberalism” that supposedly helped only rich elitists. Johan Norberg destroyed Oxfam’s sophomoric argument with a tweet ...