We study the evolution of income in India from 2014-19 and find that while income inequality remains largely consistent over this time, the lower end of the income distribution has experienced significant losses - the bottom ventile shows not only a decline in income share of ~38%, but also...
INEQUALITY INDICATOR (INDEXED: 0-100, 0 = HIGH INEQUALITY; 100 = HIGH EQUALITY) The distribution of income in an economy matters and can be measured on a country by country basis by the Gini Coefficient. However Gini values are not all up-to-date. World Economics has developed an Inequali...
We further examine whether any of the growth-promoting factors can induce higher inequality in income distribution across the sub-federations in India (Chancel and Piketty, 2019; Hai-Anh and Lanjouw, 2018).Footnote 2 For an understanding of factors leading to economic growth in various regions, ...
The Gini Index is a measure of how equal a country's distribution of income is. It is a score between 0 and 100. World Economics has inverted the source index data so that 0 represents very high inequality levels and 100 represents perfect equality. Perfect equality means a country's total...
Sarkodie S, Adams S (2020) Electricity access, human development index, governance and income inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Energy Rep 6:455–466 Article Google Scholar Seetharaman G (2019) Coal here to stay despite India's ambitious goals for renewable energy. Retrieved September 23, 20...
Article: Inequality in the distribution of household expenditures in Indonesia: a Theil decomposition analysis
Inequality in energy consumption, both direct and indirect, affects the distribution of benefits that result from energy use. Detailed measures of this inequality are required to ensure an equitable and just energy transition. Here we calculate final ene
Despite widespread undernutrition among tribal women, there is limited understanding of wealth-based disparities in underweight within this group and how these inequities have changed over time across different regions of India. This study aims to explor
INEQUALITY INDICATOR (INDEXED: 0-100, 0 = HIGH INEQUALITY; 100 = HIGH EQUALITY) The distribution of income in an economy matters and can be measured on a country by country basis by the Gini Coefficient. However Gini values are not all up-to-date. ...
In: Arrow, K.J., Sen, A., Suzumura, K. (eds.) Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 2, pp. 507–604. North-Holland, Amsterdam (2011) Giorgi, G.M., Mondani, R.: Sampling distribution of the Bonferroni inequality index from exponential population. Sankhya 57, 10–18 (1995)...