In the following questions, the symbols @, CC, $, %, and # are used to illustrate the following meanings: P $ Q means that ‘P is not smaller than Q’ P # Q means ‘P is not greater than Q’ P @ Q means that ‘P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q’ P CC Q means ...
We realized a complexity arose in our interactions with students due to our conceiving the use of inequality symbols across the two types of inequalities as polysemous, whereas the students did not. Attending to these two types of inequalities has important implications for the teaching and ...
SymbolsPolysemyInequalities are an important topic in school mathematics, yet the body of research exploring students' meanings for inequalities largely points to difficulties they experience. Thus, there is a need to further explore students' meanings for inequalities. Addressing this need, we conducted...
SRT explores the social, cultural and linguistic mechanisms whereby knowledge is elaborated collectively, the meanings that can come to be attributed to novel phenomena and the affective responses that are associated with these cognitive and affective dimensions. A social representation consists of a ...
This review gives an overview of the societal inequalities faced by people with intellectual disabilities, before focusing specifically on challenges people face accessing the Internet. Current access will be outlined along with the societal, support and attitudinal factors that can hinder access. Discussi...