Industrial wireless communication for the modern factory floor. HMS Networks has solutions to run PROFIsafe, CIP Safety and FSoE over wireless.
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) describes the technologies that connect industrial field devices, such as sensors, to the cloud. Learn More Predictive Maintenance and Condition Monitoring Predictive maintenance enables users to more accurately anticipate when machine maintenance will be needed bas...
See our extensive range of wired and wireless networking devices for on-board, trackside and train-to-track applications. Learn more Cyber resilient operating system WeOS, Westermo Operating System, provides an extensive suite of IP networking standards allowing resilient, secure and flexible networks ...
CoreTigo provides high-performance IO-Link Wireless communication solutions for machine builders, system integrators & industrial equipment manufacturers.
Hilscher – your expert in automation solutions from communication controllers, PC cards, embedded modules to the cloud.
These range from switches for the efficient forwarding of data traffic to industrial WLAN devices for the wireless connection of end devices to routers for the protection of networks. All products meet the highest requirements for reliable and flexibleIndustrial Ethernetcommunication. They are perfectly ...
Industrial Communication Industrial 5G Industrial 5G. Dedicated to industry. Industrial 5G will change the way we make decisions, manufacture products, and maintain factories. We’re driving this evolution based on an industrial 5G ecosystem – consisting of a private 5G infrastructure, end devices, ...
Maxon's industrial Wi-Fi 7 modules, equipped with exceptional performance and a wealth of features, are set to become the industry leader in industrial wireless communication. Let's stay tuned for the launch! For more product information, please contact us!
Product model VDG01 basic function Wireless routing function, supporting lightweight edge computing capability. Communication mode 4G/5G/WIFI communication interface Ethernet/USB Product features The products have been widely used in financial transactions, postal transactions, smart grid, intelligent transport...
peripherals on microcontrollers to standalone communication controllers, Infineon offers a range of devices supporting different protocols and communication standards. In terms of data security and integrity, Infineon's high-security microcontrollers based on leading hardware-based security are the r...