It is a well-established fact that earlier the trouble is detected, more easily and economically it may be countered. Early detection of sickness possibly may enable the management to take timely action to avert the crisis of such an occurrence. If there exists a forewarning system which helps...
As antibiotic producing symbionts of entomopathogenic nematodes, members of the genus Photorhabdus are candidates for biological control of insects and phytopathogenic microorganisms. The aim of this project was to establish the levels of genetic and antibiotic diversity amongst twenty Photorhabdus sp. ...
paving the way for the “outrage industry” and talk radio demagogues like Rush Limbaugh. Twitter is the new bully pulpit for a tyrant-aspiring charlatan, and his antics serve as a useful tool for distracting the public from the right-wing agenda of extreme...
Second part manages "general reasons for Industrial disorder" and the third part introduces "remedies and conclusion".Singh, Kuldeep Kuldeep Singh: "Industrial Sickness in Small and Medium Scale Industrial Sector in India: Reasons and Remedies", ZINITH International Journal of Business ...