The Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution and CO2 Emissions During the Industrial Revolution, Britain increased its use of coal as a fuel source. Coal became a key factor in the Industrial Revolution, and its popularity as a fuel source spread in Europe, Asia and the United States. Coal he...
It turned out that since theindustrial revolution, the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the globalatmosphere has increased by 25% in the past hundred years as a result of theburning of fossil fuels and destruction of forests. If the current CO2concentration increases, the CO2 content in the...
Since the Industrial Revolution, the overexploitation of natural resources by human beings in pursuit of rapid economic development has led to a rise in the content of CO2 in the atmosphere1, causing global warming. Global warming triggers extreme weather such as glacier melting, sea level rise, ...
Itturnedoutthatsincetheindustrialrevolution,theamount ofcarbondioxide(CO2)intheglobalatmospherehasincreased by25%inthepasthundredyearsasaresultoftheburningof fossilfuelsanddestructionofforests.IfthecurrentCO2 concentrationincreases,theCO2contentintheatmospherewill doubleby2100.Accordingtotheassessmentreportissuedby the...
It is becoming increasingly clear that the Second Industrial Revolution is dying and that industrial induced CO2 emissions are threatening the viability of life on Earth. What we need now is a bold new economic narrative that can take us into asustainable economy, post-carbon future. Finding that...
INDUSTRIAL revolutionMalaysia has experienced rapid urbanization since Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0, which has resulted in significant changes in energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Its urban areas are characterized by high population densities, which has led to increase...
Astudyfrom about year ago (and shortly after my last blog post) states that we may have already activated 5 catastrophic climate tipping points at our current 1.1°C of warming since the Industrial Revolution and that we are likely on the brink of setting off many more once reaching 1.5°C...
report is so timely given the UK government’s recent ambitious new emissions target setting the UK on the path to net zero by 2050, and backed by the Prime Minister’s own Ten Point Plan for a green industrial revolution aiming to create and su...
(CCEMG) techniques revealed that economic growth and industrial production have a harmful influence on CO2emissions. Meanwhile, industrial competitiveness, renewable energy, and economic freedom are all negatively associated with CO2emissions. This specifies that industrial competitiveness, renewable energy, ...