This approach has been derived based on the assumption that the solid phase can be treated simultaneously as a continuous medium with representative properties similar to the fluid [29]. The governing equations of the Euler–Euler model, as well as the closure terms have evolved during the many...
Figure 6. Daily source contribution of representative elements in the PM10 fraction. of the association of Cl, PO43Ϫ, NH4ϩ, and K (Table 4). Given the predominant wind direction, the low levels of gases emitted, and the high concentrations of PM measured, these emission plumes may ...
5.1. Reorganization of Social Relations The transformation of the social structure of characteristic industrial villages must be based on the development of industries, which is manifested in the transformation of a traditional society centered on blood ties to a modern society centered on industrial ...
Number of returned questionnaires was 164, which is a representative sample in the research. Selected results have been published by authors [34–36]. One of the research objectives was the analysis of using the methods and tools for securing of process quality (capability) in Slovak enterprises...