Land use patterns and SO2 and NO2 pollution in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. We proposed to study spatial distribution and source contribution of SO2 and NO2 pollution in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. We collected 2-week ambient SO2 and NO... YK Huang,ME Luvsan,E Gombojav,... - 《Environmental Research...
Acquisition|Development|Value-Add|Asset Management|Debt|Equity Waterfall|Excel Add-ins|Modules|Portfolio|Standalone|Tutorial|Apartment|Hotel|Industrial|Land Development|Office|Retail|Single-Family RE Education,Real Estate Financial Modeling,A.CRE 101 - Basic Concepts in Commercial Real Estate,Real Estate Fi...
Those factors limit the number of such sites deployed throughout a region of the size (56,400 km2) of the Athabasca Oil Sands (AOSR), particularly when access by land and availability of electrical power are limiting factors. Biomonitoring methods offer an adjunct, cost-effective, and ...
Shop till you drop at nearby shopping landmarks Located in the vicinity ofGebeng Industrial Park Budget Hotel, you will find a plethora of shopping landmarks to satisfy your retail therapy cravings. One of the must-visit destinations is the Natural Batik Village, where you can immerse yourself...
In the near future, climate change is expected to surpass the impacts of land and sea use change as well as other drivers(direct exploitation of organisms, pollution, invasive alien species). Increased human population and per capita consumption is a key driver of the above. By destroying the...
Air transport breaks free of the earth, and yet airports occupy as much land as a fair-size city. CHAPTER 12: SHIPPING The freight container—a box the size of a truck trailer— has made shipping a game of stacking Lego bricks.
Has spread throughout the land, And from a thousand minds Has torn the last shreds of doubt Concerning Might and Right. Young and virile and strong - Like grim sentinels they stand Awaiting each opportunity To break another Of slavery's chains. For whatever stroke is needed. They are prepari...
laticaudata) forage in the ocean but return to land to slough [33]. Rings of color are clearly evident in their shed skins (Figure 3B). Survey of snake coloration We scored colors of E. annulatus in 15 populations (1,456 specimens) across the species’ range (Table S1). Although ...
These methods are unsuitable for near real-time monitoring at a large scale, particularly for global IHS17,18. Heat sources, such as the flaring of petroleum gas in oil fields and the combustion of fossil fuels in plants (e.g., cement plants, steelworks, etc.) are usually an essential ...
Imagine the case of two neighbors, each of whom at the outset owns the same amount of land, but one of whom is more powerful than the other. The powerful one demands a piece of the other’s land. The weak one refuses. The powerful one says, “OK, let’s compromise. Give me half...