leManoosh is an industrial design blog and learning platform for creatives. Discover the latest trends in product and transportation design, access online courses from industry leaders, and unlock your true potential with our expert mentorship and resour
Browse 165 open jobs and land a remote Industrial Design job today. See detailed job requirements, compensation, duration, employer history, & apply today.
What we like about leManoosh is the quality of applicants. I think it was the most successful post we have done. Chris Harsacky - HUGE DESIGN (San Francisco, USA) Post a job now Join the community and follow us on social media Inspiration Online Courses Job board About ...
Are you passionate about design innovation and creating captivating packaging concepts? We’re seeking a talented Packagi... 2/6/2025 12:00:00 AM Apply this job M Freelance Industrial Designer Material New York, NY About us We turn customer challenges into growth opportunities. Material...
Design Assistant BMI Merchandise Lakewood, NJ Job Description Job Description At BMI Merchandise ®, we’re in the business of fun! And we take it pretty seriously! BMI... 2/3/2025 12:00:00 AM Apply this job D Intern (Summer 2025) - Dynamic Survey Dynamic Engineering Consul...
If you're seeking an opportunity to steer product definition, functional exploration and design decision-making, consider joining Valve. We can't wait to see where you'll take us. Submit your resume along with an online portfolio of work which conveys your capabilities. ...
创造明天(www.altplusdesign.com)是一家屡获殊荣的国际设计机构,为包括福布斯 500 强在内的全球不同客户提供高水转专业的创新战略顾问、产品规划、工业设计、交互设计、品牌策略和趋势研究等创新服务。 我们在深圳设立的设计团队,目前正在寻找和我们一起携手前进的伙伴,共同创造美好明天。
A bachelor’s degree is usually required for entry-level industrial design jobs. It is also important for industrial designers to have an electronic portfolio with examples of their best design projects.Job Outlook Employment of industrial designers is projected to grow 2 percent from 2014 to 2024...
Thorsrud Job Design and Industrial Democracy by J. F. Bolweg New Forms of Work Organization by L. Klein Personal Goals and Work Design edited by P. B. Warr. John Wileydoi:10.1111/j.1467-8543.1979.tb00633.xTORE HANSENJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdBritish Journal of Industrial Relations...
Remote Senior Industrial Designer Job BIP US is a team of over 4,500 consulting professionals across 13 countries. We are Europe's fastest growing digital consulting company and are on track to reach the Top 20 by 2025. Operating at the intersection of business and technology, wedesign, develo...