Powder X-ray diffraction techniques were extensively applied in a pyrotechnic materials development project involving the TiHx-KC10t, system. They were utilized in the evaluation of locally synthesized TiHx materials to assist in evolving the best method for preparing such hydride materials. Once ...
For such applications it is common to use a medical CT scanner. In medical CTs the X-ray source and detectors are rotating around the stationary sample. Calculation of effective rock properties from digitized images of the pore structure requires an image resolution that sufficiently resolves all ...
EM is capable of examining materials down to the sub-angstrom level, enabling the visualization of a catalyst’s morphology and elemental distribution. Combining electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), today’s instrumentation enables automated nanoparticle analysis of the mat...
EM is capable of examining materials down to the sub-angstrom level, enabling the visualization of a catalyst’s morphology and elemental distribution. Combining electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), today’s instrumentation enables automated nanoparticle analysis of the mat...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) results in a structural analysis [40]. This method also leads to a quantitative statement, but initially, the sample has to be transformed into its crystalline structure. Moreover, intensity of XRD is significantly lower compared to electron diffraction [89]. Time-of-...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed a composition of Mo2N0.85. The unit cell structure of this tetragonal phase is displayed in Figure 2b. 5.3 Metastable cubic B1-MoN Although the stoichiometric cubic B1-MoN phase is thermodynamically unstable, it can be stabilized by carefully controlling ...
Although treatment did not change the X-ray diffraction pattern type, it changed the strength of the peaks in ATR-FTIR, as well as the molecular weight distribution (Li et al., 2019). Overall, it seems that PEF with high electric field strength may cause gelatinization of surfaces and ...
Typical applications: Plastics Sorting Crystal Inspection Plating Measurement Thickness Gauging Food Inspection Mineral Analysis X-Ray Fluorescence X-Ray Diffraction Cargo Screening Specifications (Ref. 128100-001 REV. N) Input Voltage: Power factor corrected input ...
She used electron diffraction and then x-ray diffraction to study the structure of molecules. Karle developed a three-dimensional modeling process, enabling her to identify and show the structures of hundreds of complex and important molecules (including alkaloids, ionophores, steroids, toxins, and ...
Prevéy PS (2000) X-ray diffraction characterization of crystallinity and phase composition in plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings. J Therm Spray Technol 9(3):369–376 Google Scholar Khor KA, Yip CS, Cheang P (1997) Ti-6AI-4 hydroxyapatite composite coatings prepared by thermal spray techni...