inductive reasoning 是说你从一个你观察到的现象得到一个结论,一个原则.example:我目前看到过的所有羊都是白的,利用inductive reasoning,我总结羊一定全都是白色的deductive reasoning 是说你已经知道一个原则了,而你利用这个原则来预料你会看到什么现象example:你知道的定律是所有的乌龟都有壳,那么你现在有一个乌龟...
inductive reasoning 是说你从一个你观察到的现象得到一个结论,一个原则.example:我目前看到过的所有羊都是白的,利用inductive reasoning,我总结羊一定全都是白色的deductive reasoning 是说你已经知道一个原则了,而你利用这个原则来预料你会看到什么现象example:你知道的定律是所有的乌龟都有壳,那么你现在有一个乌龟...
Deductive reasoning, also known as deduction, is a basic form of reasoning that uses a general principle or premise as grounds to draw specific conclusions. This type of reasoning leads to valid conclusions when the premise is known to be true — for example, "all spiders have eight legs"...
An example of deductive reasoning is this: 'All cars have engines. I have a car. Therefore, my car has an engine.' While a false premise is something like this: 'All blondes have blue eyes. Kevin has blond hair. Therefore, Kevin must have blue eyes.' ...
deductive reasoning:演绎推理。归纳推理是一种由个别到一般的推理。由一定程度的关于个别事物的观点过渡到范围较大的观点,由特殊具体的事例推导出一般原理、原则的解释方法。自然界和社会中的一般,都存在于个别、特殊之中,并通过个别而存在。一般都存在于具体的对象和现象之中,因此,只有通过认识个别,...
Consider the following example: Adham: I've noticed previously that every time I kick a ball up, it comes back down, so I guess this next time when I kick it up, it will come back down, too. Rizik: That's Newton's Law. Everything that goes up must come down. And so, if you...
第四章Inductive and Deductive Reasoning InductiveandDeductiveReasoning Inductivereasoning:specificinstancesruleorconclusionagenerallaw,Forexample:Thesparrowcanfly.Thecrowcanfly.Theeaglecanfly.Conclusion:Allbirdscanfly.①Secondlanguagelearning(natural,untutored languagelearning)②Firstlanguagelearning Itinvolvesalargely...
演绎推理(deductive reasoning) 是从一般推到个别。例如:平行四边形的两组对边相等。ABCD 是平行四边形,所以 AB=CD. 这就是演绎推理。数学这门学科特别重视演绎推理。 归纳推理(inductive reasoning)是从个别推到一般。就是从一大堆现象中归纳猜想一般规律。归纳推理在物理化学生物等学科中被非常频繁的使用。科学家们...
deductivereasoning是说你已经知道一个原则了,而你利用这个原则来预料你会看到什么现象 example:你知道...