The meaning of INDUCTIVE is of, relating to, or employing mathematical or logical induction. How to use inductive in a sentence.
The meaning of INDUCTIVE LOGIC is a branch of logic that deals with induction; especially : the logic or theory of the methods and reasonings of empirical science.
Finally, we believe that PCLTs may be a suitable formalism to introduce probabilistic reasoning in the framework of interaction protocols in societies of agents (Alberti et al. 2008), where the language of Constraint Logic Theories was defined to verify the compliance of interacting agents (or que...
General game playing (GGP) is a framework for evaluating an agent’s general intelligence across a wide range of tasks. In the GGP competition, an age
Inductive Type of Reasoning: Deductive thinking has been most commonly associated with its counterpart, which is called inductive thinking. This other form of processing involves the use of particular observations or single cases to reach an overall and...
Problem-Solving: Problem-solving is a process that is done to identify a solution to a problem or to reduce the discrepancy between the problem state and the desired state. This process can be conducted using intuition, heuristics, or alg...
Deductive reasoning is a type of logical reasoning. We use such reasoning frequently in various sectors. Employers also highly regard deductive reasoning as a trait. This type of reasoning is also known as top-down thinking. Thereby also meaning to go from the general to the specific. You can...