In TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages), there are two main theoretical approaches for the presentation of new English grammar structures or functions to ESL/EFL students: inductive approach and deductive approach. They both have advantages and disadvantages. The deductive approach ...
定义:演绎推理是从一般到具体的推理方法,有时被称为 “自上而下” 的方法;归纳推理则是从具体观察到更广泛的概括和理论,被称为 “自下而上” 的方法。 Definitions: Deductive reasoning is a method of reasoning from the general to the specifi...
@英语家教inductive和deductive区别 英语家教 Inductive and deductive reasoning are two fundamental approaches to logical thinking, and they differ significantly in their approach to drawing conclusions. Inductive Reasoning Inductive reasoning involves generalizing from specific observations to reach broader ...
But the relationship between theory and research differs for each approach. Inductive and deductive approaches to research are quite different, but they can also be complementary. Let's start by looking at each one and how they differ from one another. Then we'll move on to thinking about ...
deductive approach is more effective for EFL learners' on short-term learning of grammatical structures.2. deductive and guided inductive approach are similar for EFL learners' on long-term learning of grammatical structures.3. deductive and guided inductive approach are similar for EFL learners' on...
1) deductive and inductive approaches 演绎法与归纳法 2) Induction Deduction method 归纳演绎方法 1. Based on historical data the floods are divided into some types, which can be predicted by usingInduction Deduction method. 本文将历史洪水分成若干类型,采用归纳演绎方法对未来洪水进行分类预测,针对不同类...
This approach involves systematically collecting, analysing, and interpreting data to draw inferences. 简单来说,演绎研究者使用自上而下的方法,利用数据来检验理论或假设并收集知识(增加、限定或与科学意义相矛盾)。 In simple terms, the deductive researcher uses the top-down approach that uses data to ...
In comparing between the two approaches, one of the differences is that a deductive approach is most close with the grammar-translation method of teaching languages, while an inductive approach is considered close to audio-lingualism, where meaning and grammar induced from practice with examples in...
Inthecaseofinductivereasoning,onestoresanumberofspecificinstancesandinducesagenerallaworruleorconclusionthatgovernsorsubsumesthespecificinstances.InductiveandDeductiveLearning 1.Whatisdeductivelearning?Adeductiveapproachtoinstructionisamoreteacher-centeredapproach.Thismeansthattheteachergivesthestudentsanewconcept,explainsit,...