inductive reasoning 是说你从一个你观察到的现象得到一个结论,一个原则.example:我目前看到过的所有羊都是白的,利用inductive reasoning,我总结羊一定全都是白色的deductive reasoning 是说你已经知道一个原则了,而你利用这个原则来预料你会看到什么现象example:你知道的定律是所有的乌龟都有壳,那么你现在有一个乌龟...
inductive ..例如,根据各个地区、各个历史时期生产力不发展所导致的社会生活面貌落后,可以得出结论说,生产力发展是社会进步的动力,这正是从对于个别事物的研究得出一般性结论的推理过程,即归纳推理
Key Differences Inductive ReasoningDeductive Reasoning Direction From specific instances to general rules From general principles to specific conclusions Certainty Probabilistic, conclusions may not be absolute Necessarily True if premises are True and reasoning is valid Application Often used in scientific inqu...
inductive reasoning 是说你从一个你观察到的现象得到一个结论,一个原则.example:我目前看到过的所有羊都是白的,利用inductive reasoning,我总结羊一定全都是白色的deductive reasoning 是说你已经知道一个原则了,而你利用这个原则来预料你会看到什么现象example:你知道的定律是所有的乌龟都有壳,那么你现在有一个乌龟...
演绎推理(deductive reasoning) 是从一般推到个别。例如:平行四边形的两组对边相等。ABCD 是平行四边形,所以 AB=CD. 这就是演绎推理。数学这门学科特别重视演绎推理。 归纳推理(inductive reasoning)是从个别推到一般。就是从一大堆现象中归纳猜想一般规律。归纳推理在物理化学生物等学科中被非常频繁的使用。科学家们...
Deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning are easy to mix up. Learn what the difference is and see examples of each type of scientific reasoning. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. Sherlock Holmes, the fictional sleuth ...
Inductive Reasoning和Deductive Reasoning 归纳推理 归纳推理是从具体的事实或案例中,通过观察和总结规律,推导出一般性结论的思维方式。它基于观察到的特定案例,寻找其中的共同特征或模式,并据此做出推论。归纳推理允许我们从经验、观察和实验中积累知识,并逐渐形成理论或假设。例如,观察到多次苹果从树上掉...
Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning | Definition & Examples from Chapter 12 / Lesson 6 978K Learn about inductive and deductive reasoning. See the definition of inductive and deductive reasoning, their differences, and their use in logic and argument. Related...
Learn the differences between these three types of reasoning with definitions, examples, and comparisons.