They are inputted to a calculator 6 having a microcomputer together with the signal from a speed detector 4, the circuit constants and the magnetic flux amount of the equivalent circuit of the motor 2 are calculated, and the power source 1 is controlled through a controller 21. Accordingly, ...
Simplified Steady-State Equivalent Circuit of Induction Motor From the last equation, it follows that if the ratio V/ƒ remains constant for any change in ƒ, then flux remains constant and the torque becomes independent of the supply frequency. In order to keep ΛM constant, the ratio of...
Using ZSI parameters in Table 2, induction motor parameters in Table 3, and the closed loop system involving Gc(s), Dsh calculator, and transfer function Gvd(s), the PI controller Gc(s) is tuned. The SISO tool MATLAB/Simulink is used for tuning and the settings of the PI are as follo...
In this paper the performances of a single phase induction motor (SPIM) connected to a photovoltaic generator (PVG) through an inverter are analyzed. Firstly, the mathematical model of the suggested structure is developed. Secondly, the concept of the Indirect Rotor-Field-Oriented Control (IRFOC...
SOLUTION: A motor equivalent circuit constant change estimating calculator 11 inputs a magnetic flux command value ef, inverter frequency finv, d-axis current command value IdRef, q-axis current command value IqRef, d-axis voltage command value Vd and q-axis voltage command value Vq, and ...
PURPOSE:To momentarily switch an induction motor from a Scherbius operation to a liquid resistor operation bumplessly by setting the resistance value of the resistor always equal to the equivalent resistance value of a Scherbius unit. CONSTITUTION:An equivalent resistance calculator 17 obtains the ...
SOLUTION: A motor equivalent circuit constant change estimating calculator 11 inputs a magnetic flux command value ef, inverter frequency finv, d-axis current command value IdRef, q-axis current command value IqRef, d-axis voltage command value Vd and q-axis voltage command value Vq, and ...
thrust, vertical and transversal forces, decoupling strategy for the single-sided linear induction motor based on a novel equivalent circuit considering the longitudinal end effect and 3-D electromagnetic forces. Then, the slip-frequency calculator, thrust observer and thrust controller in the ...
CONSTITUTION:An equivalent resistance calculator 17 obtains the equivalent resistance Req of a Scherbius device from the DC voltage Edc of the Scherbius device and the secondary current I2 of an induction motor 1, and a resistance measurement circuit 5 measures the resistance value R of a ...
dEfsfilcipie.ncy fluctuation due to slip: (a) Induced motor equivalent circuit and (b) Input BBceeuccraareuunssteeattnhhdeesLLlipIIMM. iiss aa ssyysstteemm bbaasseedd oonn aann iinndduuccttiioonn mmoottoorr tthhaatt ccaannnnoott ddiirreeccttllyy ccoonnttrrooll tthhee sslliipp,, ...