Indra, inHindumythology, the king of the gods. He is one of the main gods of theRigvedaand is the Indo-European cousin of the German Wotan, NorseOdin, GreekZeus, and RomanJupiter. In early religious texts, Indra plays a variety of roles. As king, he leads cattle raids against theda...
">INDRA - the Hindu Supreme God (Hindu mythology) BBCODE: To link to this page in a forum post or comment box, just copy and paste the link code below: [url=]INDRA - the Hindu Supreme God (Hindu mythology)[/url] ...
The son of the sky and the earth, he is a warrior god who protects people and animals and provides rain to water the land. In later Hindu texts Indra loses some of his power and his warrior characteristics. Other deities, such as Vishnu*, take his place as defender of gods and humans...
Ahalya is the wife of the sage Gautama Maharishi in Hindu mythology. Many Hindu scriptures say that she was seduced by Indra, cursed by her husband for infidelity, and liberated from the curse by Rama (an avatar of the god Vishnu). Created by the god Brahma as the most beautiful woman,...
Indra, the god of firmament and the king of the abode of gods, is probably the most colorful character in Hindu mythology.The ebb and tide of his career, the rise and fall of his power provides a very fascinating story to all, who are interested in the lives of Hindu gods and goddesse...