The most easy-to-care-for small indoor plants—from cacti to aloe vera—that will thrive no matter where you place them in your apartment or home.
Try not to inhale traffic fumes; keep away from chemical plants and building-sites; wear a mask when cycling. It is enough to make you want to stay at home. But that, according to a growing body of scientific evidence, would also be a bad idea. Research shows that levels of pollutants...
Small plants usually have the terms “pumila,”“minima,” or “nana” in their names. Hanging Houseplants To free up as much floor space as possible, you can also opt for the use of hanging pots. Bougainvillea, ivy, philodendron, and pothos grow well in the air. Note that if you ...
These indoor plants for your home are low-maintenance and are the perfect greens to get you started. Plus, they'll boost your mood, too.
These are 65 best indoor quotes and short indoor slogans to inspire you. Read and share famous indoor quotes about plants indoor, cute indoor, indoor games
It sounds like one of the Three Muskateers, but did you know that research from NASA found that the golden pothos is one of the best plants at purifying the air? They can flourish under a variety of conditions and make the perfect addition to the kitchen, home office, or living room, ...
This is the way that’s worked best for me: I water my indoor plants during daytime hours with room temperature water with a watering can or squeeze bottle (if the pots are very small). How do I know when I’m overwatering my indoor plant? It can be tricky to determine over...
Keep your houseplants happy and healthy! From knowing how often to water to providing the correct amount of light, here are tips to ensure that your indoor plants not only stay alive, but thrive. To learn about a specific type of houseplant, check out ourHouseplant Growing Guides. ...
Rex begonias are easy-care plants that get small pink or white flowers several times a year. However, for the rest of the year, you’ll enjoy the stunning markings on their colorful foliage. Give them bright, indirect light, and water when the top of the soil feels dry. They prefer to...
Have a look at outdoor plants that can be grown indoorshere 5. Monstera deliciosa ‘Variegata’ Botanical Name: Monstera deliciosa ‘Variegata’ This fast-growing variety shows off a white-cream hue on dark leaves. Place it on the east-facing window for the best colors. Check out more cool...