idstringan identifier for the feature. Must be unique across all levels of the indoor map. namestringthe feature's name. Will be displayed as a label over certain "Feature Types". Optional, can be null. typestringthe type of the feature - this should match one of the strings in “Featu...
Forward primers comprised the 454 Fusion Primer A-adaptor, a specific 8-bp multiplex identifier (MID) barcode, and the ITS1F primer (5′-CTTGGTCATTTAGAGGAAGTAA-3′; Gardes and Bruns, 1993), while the reverse primer was composed of the B-adapter and ITS2 primer (5′-GCTGCGTTCTTCA...
The green water was produced and cultured in indoor tank using plant leaves, Joba (Hibiscus-rosa-sinensis), then Nile tilapia, rui, catla and common carp were stocked in indoor tank systems. Regular monitoring for health check, water quality check, temperature, siphoning and oxygenation with air...
The object identifier was included as a random intercept to account for multiple measures taken from the same object. Due to skewed distribution, CFU/m3 or CFU/g were transformed by inverse transformation of ranks to the standard normal distribution prior to the analysis. Based on the fitted ...