Or you might like to add a splash of colour with fiery Bromeliads, Cyclamen or orchids. Variegated houseplants with two-tone green and white foliage can lighten indoor areas or explore colour and form with vibrant foliage plants like colourful Calatheas, beautifulAglaonemas or variegated Dragon Tr...
Caring for Cyclamens When you first bring a plant home, it’s normal for the plant to drop a few leaves as it gets used to its new space. If the lighting is to its liking, it will soon adjust. Plants that can toleratefull sun and bright lightthrive in south-facing windows (examples...
The Crown of Thorns has become an exceptional flowering house plant due to its low maintenance. If you grow on a sunny window, it will thrive happily. 15. Black-Eyed Susan Vine Botanical Name:Thunbergia alata Depending on your climate, this flowering houseplant can add a dramatic appeal to ...
Aluminum Plant Amaryllis Avocado Bamboo Begonia Bonsai Plants Bromeliads Cactus Caladium Calla Lily Carnivorous Plants Clover Coffee Tree –grow your own coffee beans! Coleus Cyclamen Dracaena English Ivy Gardenia Gazania Impatiens Money Tree Orchids Philodendron Rubber Tree Plant Spider Plant SucculentsRelate...
Anthurium plant is one of the world's most exotic tropical flowers. Discover Anthurium growing tips: sunlight, fertilizer, watering, repotting. Read More Growing Cyclamen Plant Indoors: How to Care for These Florist Flowers Jan 30, 25 10:48 AM ...
Botanical Name: Cyclamen persicum 82. Urn Plant plants.by.maya Botanical Name: Aechmea fasciata 83. Sword Fern Botanical Name: Polystichum munitum 84. Never-Never Plant my_cosy_terrace Botanical Name: Ctenanthe oppenheimiana 85. Lemon Lime Philodendron ...
The 32 Best Bathroom Plants for a Spa-Like Space How to Grow and Care for a Thanksgiving Cactus 15 Good Luck Plants That Bring Positive Vibes 40 Best Front Door Plants for Fall 20 Tropical Houseplants That Thrive Indoors How to Grow and Care for a Spider Plant...
Broad Mites & Cyclamen Mites Budworms and Bollworms Cabbage Worms Chiggers Chinch Bugs Cockroaches Codling Moth Crickets Cutworms Earwigs Fire Ants Fleas Fly Control Fruit Fly Control Fungus Gnats Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Grasshoppers Japanese Beetle Control Lace Bugs Leafhopper...
(Cyclamen persicum) [52], in employees exposed to Brassica oleracea pollen [53], in pepper greenhouse employees [54], in horticulture workers for sweet bell pepper pollen [55], in greenhouse flower and/or ornamental plant growers [56], and in workers exposed to fungal spores in grain ...