Air cleaning devices are tools designed to remove contaminants from the air, enhancing indoor air quality (IAQ). These devices use various methods, such as filtration, electrostatic precipitation, and ionization, to capture and eliminate pollutants like dust, pollen, smoke, and volatile organic compou...
Most critical indoor air quality metrics are revealed immediately in onsite testing so that you can see the issues you need to address without waiting for lab results! Many indoor air quality issues are actually a building science / engineering issue with moisture and water leaks, vapor barrier i...
Particulate matter (PM2.5) metrics applied to second hand smoke (SHS) concentrations provide indoor air quality (IAQ) measurements and have been used to promote smoking behaviour change among parents of young children. Here, we present the qualitative results from a study designed to use IAQ ...
The Flair IAQ monitors up to 5,000 sq. ft., detecting key air quality metrics that impact health and wellness, ensuring a safer environment for all occupants.
One thing that spa, salon and hotel guests have come to expect when they visit your hospitality facility is the best amenities—and this includes air quality solutions too. Portable HEPA air filters are perfect for treatment rooms, hotel and vacation home properties, and more. If your hospitalit...
A healthy indoor environment is critical for children due to the severe effect of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) on their overall well-being. Day-care centr
Similarly, detailed reviews of some metrics of healthy buildings have been carried out, including indoor air quality (IAQ) [29–31], indoor environmental quality (IEQ) [32,33], occupant productivity [34], human comfort [35], ventilation technology [36], rating system [16] and engineering con...
The WHO Regional Office for Europe organized a working group in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, on 26–30 August 1985, which discussed radon as a pollutant affecting indoor air quality. Much of the natural background radiation to which the general public is exposed comes from the decay of 226Ra which ...
This study aims to assess the indoor air quality along with the elemental concentrations of indoor settled classroom dust across nineteen schools in Tezpur
No study has comprehensively reviewed the effects of indoor plants on air quality; therefore, this study systematically reviewed quantitative empirical res