30. The U.S embassy in Djakarta summed up the situation rather beautifully in a telegram dated September 1969, just before the ‘vote’ took place, which said, “the Act of Free Choice in West Irian is unfolding like a Greek Tragedy, the conclusion pre-ordained… it long known that the ...
“Being sent by the then king of the Goths on an embassy to the court of the emperor Constantine, (for the barbarous tribes in those parts were subject to the emperor,) he was ordained bishop of the Christians among time Goths, by Eusebius and the other prelates that were with him. Acc...
Indonesia is actually the largest archipelago in the world, and according to the Embassy of Indonesiahere, there are over 17,000 islands that belong to the country. The number of islands in Indonesia is so numerous in fact thatsome reportseven say that the government themselves don’t actually...
left – kiri ; right – kanan ; near – dekat ; far – jauh ; from – dari ; to – ke That’s it all Indonesian Words For Travel. Hope you enjoyed! Comments comments
though I had to do things in a more respectable way than perhaps would otherwise have been altogether essential, on account of being engaged in actual medical work in those countries. The (very helpful) staff of the Burkinabé embassy in Accra were both pleased and slightly bemused that I we...