Trade balance analysis reveals that Indonesia had a trade deficit with both Iran and China. Specifically, the deficit amounted to USD 300 million with Iran and USD 150 million with China in that year. Indonesia import statistics show that the country's top 1 import partners in 2024 collectively...
Statistics Value of bank assets in the U.S. 2002-2022 Assets of the banking sector in Argentina 2002-2022 Value of bank assets in Hong Kong 2007-2022 Value of bank assets in Singapore 2002-2022 Value of bank assets in Chile 2002-2018 Total assets of leading European banks 2010-2021 Quart...
Indonesia is ahead of only India, Brazil and Argentina of the G20 nations, and in South-east Asia is behind Malaysia (18th), Brunei Darussalam (101st), Vietnam (78th), the Philippines (95th) as well as PNG. Again, a primary factor for Indonesia's low ranking is difficulty in ...
The model input was gathered from available reported measured environmental concentrations of Argentina. This kind of approach make the uncertainty factor of potential selection bias of emission concentrations towards farmers usage is negligible. However, we cannot expect this kind of data in low-and ...
CAREMCentral Argentina de Elementos Modulares CFCapacity factor CFPPCoal fired power plant (steam turbine) FNPPFloating nuclear power plant FOAKFirst-of-a-kind GSTPPGas steam turbine power plant (combined cycle) GTPPGas turbine power plant (open cycle) ...
(descriptive statistics and Ordinary Least Squares regressions), we analyzed the disparities in the prevalence of underweight, severe underweight, wasting, severe wasting, stunting, and severe stunting among districts. Child undernutrition data were from Indonesia Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas) 2018, ...
Genetically modified MON 89034 corn (Zea mays L.) expressing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) insecticidal proteins, viz. Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2, is a biotechnological option being considered for the management of the major corn pest in Indonesia, the Asian co