Setelah Australia, Mesir, Estonia, Finlandia, India, Norwegia, Polandia, Rumania, dan Turki, maka besar kemungkinan, Korea Selatan bakal menjadikan Vietnam sebagai negara kesepuluh (di luar Korea Selatan) sebagai pengguna self propelled howitzer (SPH) tracked K9 Thunder.(more…) ...
Produk mi instant asal dari Indonesia, Indomie masuk daftar 10 Mi Instant Terbaik versus LA Times. Tidak main-main, ada dua variasi dari mi instant Indonesia yang masuk ke daftar. Dua variasi Indomie itu masuk ke kelompok best saucy (dry) instan noodles atau mi instant kering atau tanpa kuah...
Propinsi Lampung yang berada di pesisir selatan Pulau Sumatera, tidak cuma jadi tujuan rekreasi yang menarik, tapi juga jadi tempat untuk beragam lembaga pendidikan tinggi. Dari kampus-kampus yang fokus pada teknologi sampai yang mengutamakan beberapa nilai agama, Lampung tawarkan beragam opsi untuk be...
Indonesia is struggling with the traditional developing country’s problem of quality versus quantity in education. During the more than 300 years when Indonesia was a colony of the Netherlands, the Dutch did very little to encourage higher education. On gaining independence in 1945, Indonesia had ...
The contribution of agrisilviculture lies along the continuum of timber versus non-timber forest products, showing similar trade-offs between diversity and income. One study highlighted that AF options have up to 98% and 65% greater net present value (for periods over 30 years) compared to ...
The depth versus age relationship was fitted into a smooth spline model (Figure 2), suggesting an irregular sediment accumulation in the last 1800 years (AD 200 to present). From AD 200–1700 (298–122 cm), the sediment accumulation rate was low, with ca. 0.14 cm yr−1. The sediment...
Nevertheless, there is confusion since SWC a substantial part of the technical activities in watershed management but is positioned in higher regulations (law versus government regulation) [4]. The implementation of watershed management has been regulated, starting from general matters in government ...