This statistic shows Indonesia's total population from 2019 to 2023, with projections up until 2029. In 2023, the total population of Indonesia amounted to approximately 278.7 million inhabitants. Population of IndonesiaIndonesia is a sovereign state archipelago in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia...
Internet use in Indonesia in 2023 There were212.9 millioninternet users in Indonesia in January 2023. Indonesia’s internet penetration rate stood at77.0 percentof the total population at the start of 2023. Kepiosanalysis indicates that internet users in Indonesiaincreasedby10 million(+5.2 percent) ...
With over 151 million residents, it constitutes over half of Indonesia's total population. Given this significant population concentration, there is a widespread expectation for more efficient transportation to address the increasing demand. High-speed electric multiple unit (EMU) trains for the Jakarta...
According to data from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), the government's statistics agency, the Indonesian population numbered a total of 278.7 million people at the end of 2023. This involves 140.8 million men and 137.9 million women. Table 3; Population Size of Indonesia (in million people): ...
Population density of Indonesia 2024, by province Published byMona Siahaan,Mar 26, 2024 In 2024, Jakarta had a population density of approximately 16,165 people per square kilometer. The province contributed to around 3.79 percent to the total population of Indonesia. In that year, Indonesia’s...
Given Indonesia ‘s population of 277.4 million people, its total $221.7 billion in 2023 imports translates to roughly $800 in yearly product demand from every person in the Asian country. That dollar metric lags the average $860 per capita in 2022. ...
The largest peoples of the Indonesian group are (1) the Javanese and the related Sundanese and Madurans (total population, 75 million), who live on Java and Madura and in the plantation regions of Sumatra and Kalimantan; (2) the so-called Malayans, (about 14 million), including the Riau...
According to Bank Indonesia 2023 data, 97.7 million Indonesians, or about 48% of the total population have no adequate access to financial services and products (underbanked). This is due to various obstacles, including a lack of understanding of banking products and serv...
(Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional, or JKN), in 2014. As of July 2023, the system covered 258.2 million people, approximately 90.34% of Indonesia's total population. These factors have increased demand for advanced medical equipment and supplies, driving the continuous growth of the Indonesian medical ...
of cellular mobile connections hasrisen by 0.7%, reaching 353.3 million, with 2.5 million more connections added since last year.Because some people may have more than one mobile phone subscription for other purposes, such as work,the ratio of cellular connections to the total population is 126.8...